Last year we managed to secure a small amount of funding from Greggs which would allow us to deliver a project to a small number of schools in conjunction with the Clyde River Foundation.

Last year we delivered the first part of the project to P5/6 at Greenmill Primary School in Cumnock and promised to be back this year to deliver something similar to the P3/4 pupils.

Today we met at the Woodroad Park in Cumnock on the Lugar Water with 24 pupils from primary 3/4. Not only were the pupils in attendance but the inviatation was extended to any parents that wished to come along and take part. The children enjoyed two activities including a tree identification workshop and an electrofishing demonstration and fish identification workshop. The pupils were split into two groups with Struan taking one group on a trip around the park to discuss the importance of trees and identify the different species present. Myself and Muir carried out an electrofishing demonstration while the second group watch from the bridge. Once we had caught a few different species ( Salmon, Minnows and Stone Loach) we then discussed the fish, their habitats and food with the pupils.

The pupils, teacher, parents and staff all enjoyed the afternoon and we would like to thank the school for participating in he project.

We have managed to secure some more funding for education projects moving forward and will be in touch with schools very soon to arrange their participation. We will also keep the blog updated with information as these projects progress.


Electrofishing demonstration


Watching from the bridge


Tree Identification


Fish Identification