Pet Memorial
Dedicate a tree as a living tribute and everlasting memorial
Remember your beloved pet by planting trees. Beautiful and growing with each passing year. Healthy trees are important to all living creatures.
We recognise the profound loss and grief associated with a passing pet, which is why we offer memorial trees for your pet.

Every tree grown in memory helps Ayrshire Rivers Trust reduce riverbank erosion, create shade to reduce water temperature for fish and encourage ecological biodiversity.
Plant a new tree today to support life for years to come while creating a lasting memory of a faithful companion.
Whether you are looking for a more meaningful way to remember your own beloved pet after they have passed away or you would like to send a tribute to a friend or family member who has lost a faithful companion, a memorial tree will help create a lasting legacy.
Planting a tree in honour of a cat, dog, horse or other animal is an enduring pet memorial gift.
If your dog was happiest on fresh air walks or your cat loved climbing trees, what better way to treasure those memories.
We love our pets because they are loyal, loving and never fail to make us smile, even through the tough times.

Restoring habitat and biodiversity requires many different approaches and Ayrshire Rivers Trust has long been involved in ensuring our rivers have a wide range of native plant species which is essential to delivering a healthy ecosystem.
Defending against climate change is a priority as the challenges ahead will be great. To support these aims, the Trust adopts many sustainable and nature based approaches which include tree planting and riverbank restoration.
Each sapling you donate is helping to create woodland habitats that will benefit people, their pets and wildlife for years to come.
Whether you want to give something back to the environment, remember your beloved pet or share a special gift with someone else, Ayrshire Rivers Trust would be honoured to plant the trees on your behalf.

Native Trees
We plant a variety of trees to encourage biodiversity and improve river habitat and river function. Below are typical examples of native trees that we plant.
Dedication Certificates
You can personalise your dedication by choosing a Dedication Certificate. Here are images of the certificates to choose from, then click on your choice in the form below.
Pet Memorials
Our memorial tree service costs £20, this includes two planted trees and a Dedication Certificate which will be emailed to you. Trees are planted during the planting season which runs from November to March. The young trees are planted when they are around 40-60cms, which is the ideal height for planting, and will be staked and guarded.
1. Create Certificate: Choose Design
Choose from six original certificate designs
2. Create Certificate: Personalise with Pet’s Name
3. Provide the email address you
wish us to send the certificate to: