ART work with a range of sectors to provide sustainable river management with advice, guidance and pragmatic solutions.
We design site specific solutions, source funding and undertake specialist contracting services.
We work with:
Land Managers
We support those recognising a need for protection and improvement within our river catchments to work towards sustainable agriculture and development regardless of the scale.
We encourage land managers to identify degraded or vulnerable riparian and instream habitats and aim to protect these areas. External grant funding may be available to help with costs and ART have extensive experience of funding applications.
Click HERE to view our recently completed Wellwood green engineering project page to see the benefits realised across multiple landowners on the upper River Ayr.
Angling clubs and riparian owners
We work with angling clubs and owners to benefit fish and fisheries. We provide advice on habitat improvement and river bank management and non-native invasive species control.
Click HERE for more information on angling and contacts for clubs and syndicates.
District Salmon Fishery Boards
District Salmon Fishery Boards are statutorily empowered bodies and must be consulted for developments affecting water quality and fish populations. We provide advisory services to the District Salmon Fishery Boards on all matters relating to fishery and sustainable river management across Ayrshire.
There are four District Salmon Fishery Boards in Ayrshire for the River Ayr, the River Stinchar, the River Doon and the River Girvan.
The River Irvine and River Garnock do not have DSFBs, however, ART can provide advice and guidance within these catchments.
Click HERE for more information on the Boards and angling.
Local Authorities and Developers
We work with local and national government agencies and local authorities providing guidance on invasive weed control, development, recreation and any other water related activities. This ensures riparian and aquatic habitats and ecology are considered and protected.