With Christmas approaching rapidly it’s time to start thinking about gifts for friends, family and partners.

Why not treat someone to one of our fine art river maps showing named beats and major salmon pools with beautiful watercolours of key locations. We have prints of the River Doon, River Stinchar and River Ayr for sale available at https://www.ayrshireriverstrust.org/river-maps/

Our river maps are available all year round but do make a fantastic Christmas gift!


If your pressie recipient already has all three river maps then why not have the Trust plant a tree (or many) on their behalf!? Available at https://www.ayrshireriverstrust.org/plant-a-tree/ ART staff will plant you a tree on a river bank. A single tree (staked and guarded) costs £5 with 5 trees (staked and guarded) costing £22. With climate change driving warming water temperatures tree planting has never been so important so why not contribute to a worthy cause!

The majority of our tree planting sites are protected with fencing to exclude and manage livestock. We see this as integral to protecting both planted trees and watercourses. Your support helps us plant more trees on sites such as this.

All planted trees are staked and guarded to protect the whips during their early, vulnerable growing years.


After just a few months growth species such as alder and willow are already poking their heads up above the guards.


Becoming a member of the Trust shows the staff and Trustees the public support the Trust has and contributes to the ongoing running and delivery of projects. https://www.ayrshireriverstrust.org/membership/

Volunteers are always welcome at ART and there are a variety of activities throughout the year.