Ayrshire Rivers Trust has produced an Ayrshire Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) which describes the freshwater fish and fishery resource in Ayrshire, identifies limiting factors and recommends management actions to resolve or improve problem areas.
The FMP will direct the work of the Ayrshire Rivers Trust until 2015. Delivery of the actions recommended within the plan will require partnership working with a range of stakeholders and partners. The FMP contains links to other relevant plans and organisations
If you would like to comment on any aspect of the FMP please contact the ART biologist at info@ayrshireriverstrust.org.
The information produced here must not be used or shared in any way without prior written permission from a representative of Ayrshire Rivers Trust. All information within this website remains the intellectual property of Ayshire Rivers Trust. If you require access to data or information, please contact us to discuss price plans.
Section 1 & 2 Introduction & Aims
1 Introduction 1
2 Aims and Objectives 2
Section 3 Catchment Description
3.1 Management units 5
3.2 Catchment statistics and water flow 6
3.3 Climate 8
3.4 Topography 8
3.5 Geology 10
3.6 Soils 11
3.7 Land use 12
3.8 Water quality 13
3.9 Habitat quality 14
Section 4 Fish populations
4.1 Electrofishing data 16
4.2 Salmon and trout 17
4.3 Genetics 21
4.4 Other fish species 23
4.5 Ayrshire fisheries 28
4.6 Fish hatcheries 33
Section 5 Factors affecting fishery production
5.1 Water quality 35
5.2 Habitat degradation 38
5.3 Weirs and other impoundments 43
5.4 Upland land use 45
5.5 Water management 48
5.6 Stock exploitation 50
5.7 Predators 51
5.8 Introduced species 51
5.9 Marine issues 52
Section 6 Present management structures
6.1 Management Structures 55
6.2 Management activities 57
6.3 Bailiffing 59
6.4 Easing barriers to fish migration 60
6.5 Exploitation control 60
6.6 Stocking 60
6.7 Education programmes 60
Section 7 Proposed management actions