The campaign fought by ‘Save the Doon’ ended today with a flurry of press interest. East and South Ayrshire Council officials joined in the celebrations along with members of the Doon DSFB, Ayrshire Rivers Trust staff and last but not least, the star attractions, children from Dalmellington and Doonfoot Primary Schools.
The day kicked off with a demonstration of electrofishing for schoolchildren at Ness Glen near Dalmellington. The proceedings continued at the Brig O’ Doon Hotel in Alloway where the children gained ‘Celebrity’ status for half an hour with photographers and cameramen snapping away at them and the triumphant campaigners. Several children were interviewed for STV news before Council leaders added their comments. Brian Shaw from ART concluded the TV interviews stating that the result was a ‘Triumph for the local community and the right decision had been reached’. Following the celebrations the ‘Save the Doon’ banner that overlooked the Brig O’ Doon for the last few months was taken down.  An hours worth of filming was edited down to this two minute slot on STV news see  It starts at about 18.20 into the programme.