I received a message today from a concerned Doon owner about the ‘supposed winter compensation flow’. The river was well down on where it should be at this time of the year and he was concerned that the calibration was incorrect.
He was right and wrong at the same time. The levels are down today but this is due to an emergency shut down to allow a farmer to rescue sheep from Ness Glen that had become stranded. This happened at some point yesterday and the reduced level today was a result of this action.
Scottish Power have notified us of planned maintenance on Wednesday which will include checking the calibration equipment and cleaning screens. To ensure that there is no loss in compensation flow, increased volume of water will be released today prior to the shut down. This extra water isn’t likely to reach the middle river until later tonight or even tomorrow. There will then be a period of reduced flow whilst the essential maintenance is carried out. Levels should return to normal towards the end of the week. I’m assured by Scottish Power that the amount of water that will be released will be in accordance with their licence agreement. At no point will the flow to the river be shut off as the fish pass at the Dam will remain operational and supply adequate flow.