We have now completed the move to our new office. Telephone numbers and address has changed so please make a note of this.
The old telephone number has been disconnected and unfortunately we couldn’t get the college IT department to divert calls or add an answering machine so all you get is a discontinued tone. We are sending out updates to all our contact lists but someone somewhere is bound to be overlooked.
We have one phone line up and running (01292) 737300 and our other line is about to be transferred (if Talk Talk and BT ever manage to resolve their difficulties!). The other number will be (01292) 521223.
The address is now Ayrshire Rivers Trust, 1 Gibbs Yard, SRUC, Auchincruive, Ayr. KA6 5HW
Please feel free to drop in and see us and the new set up anytime you are passing, everyone’s welcome.