Following up on the previous years control of non native invasive species, ART managed to secure a limited amount of funding to allow us to control Giant hogweed in Ayrshire.
Control on the River Ayr catchment should be complete by the end of the week with only a few areas still to be sprayed. Next week our contractor will move on to the River Irvine catchment including Annick water and tributaries. We will also be controlling Giant hogweed on the Doon and Garnock catchments as well as selected coastal burns.
Previous projects allowed us to train volunteers in the safe use of pesticides and some have now gone on to gain employment with contractors. Experienced contractors working with trained volunteers who have local knowledge is proving to be an excellent combination. Some of our other volunteers have also been active in some areas with more plans in the coming months for Himalayan balsam control. We will be organising some balsam bashing events and anyone can get involved. I will update the blog with more information on these events in due course.