Trustees and Staff at ART are having a ‘brainstorming’ day next week to discuss and set the future priorities for the Trust.
Here is an opportunity for our members, readers and followers to make suggestions and have their say.
Are there any areas or types of work that you feel we should or could deliver? How can we improve what already do? What do we do that you don’t support? Should we engage more volunteers to help deliver objectives? How can we widen our appeal without losing our direction? Do we use social media effectively or could we do better? Do we publicise what we do well? Or do you think we are getting things just right?
Have a think and let us know your suggestions and ideas. Tell us what we are doing well or where we could improve. Please let me have any comments by the end of the weekend (19th Nov) so that we can take them to the meeting next week. You can send emails to or leave a comment below. This is your opportunity to shape our future.