Over the last few weeks we’ve been busy delivering the ‘launch day’ for our Rivers and Lochs in the Classroom Project sponsored by Greggs. With Easter holidays looming we’ll be releasing the eggs in a couple of weeks time. The pupil’s will be sorry to see them go as they’ve been enjoying the challenge of caring for their little eggs and fish. The pupil’s get to release the eggs themselves into their local river which allows them to follow the whole process through.
On the launch day we engage the pupils in a classroom presentation to give background knowledge of the project and fish ecology. We discuss the watercycle, fish ecology and biology before we get into the games and activities which are far more fun and test the pupil’s knowledge about what we learn in the classroom.
Muir talks the pupil’s through their roles and responsibilities, here he is showing them how to use the pipette to remove the discarded egg shells and any other casualties there might be. The pupils have to record the number of eggs hatched, the number of eggs or alevins that die, record the water temperature and perform basic checks on all the equipment.
Our salmon ‘snakes and ladders’ floor game has been a huge hit with all the pupils. This really allows them to put into practice what we discussed in the morning session.
Everyone gets to try their hand at some indoor fly casting, we have miniature practice rods that can easily and safely be used in a large room. As ever, the girls beat the boys at this. When it comes to anything physical it’s brians vs brawn and brains always win!
Some wonderful artwork as displayed by Troon Primary pupils.