Further to our previous post over the condition of the Stottencleugh Burn at Glenbuck, we have been actively catching broodstock trout that enter the burn to spawn. They have been few and far between but this evening we captured 4 pair and stripped and fertilised the eggs before placing them safely in the incubator.
While ART has always discouraged stocking and artificial intervention where it can’t be adequately justified, we did seek MSS permission and a license to allow us to perform this activity at Glenbuck. With the owners permission, we aim to give the trout a helping hand as natural spawning success in this burn is severely compromised by the iron oxides that coat the bed of the stream. These iron inputs come from historic and perhaps more recent mining activities.
There will be minimal intervention with these trout eggs and really the only thing we aimed to do was prevent them spawning in the burn where the eggs almost certainly fail. Instead we stripped them artificially as pairs and then fertilised the eggs. they will remain in the incubator until several weeks after hatching when they will start swimming about and take their escape via the overflow pipe into the Hareshaw Burn (which has reasonably good water quality) and from there they can descend to the loch when they choose. Hopefully this minimal action will allow the stock of wild trout in Glenbuck to continue. It certainly is unlikely to have any negative impacts as we will not feed or interfere in any way beyond the fertilisation stage.