Sadly I have to report that a large quantity of 5 -7″ brown trout destined for the River Ayr have been stolen from rearing ponds at some time in the run up to Christmas. Unconfirmed reports put the number taken at several thousand fish. This was a new venture funded totally by the few enthusiasts who had establish and looked after the fish from the moment they started feeding. I believe that the fish were as healthy as any ever reared within the catchment and were all the product of River Ayr stock.
Anyone who has been offered fingerling brown trout at knock down prices or of suspicious origin should either contact the police or the Ayr Board baillifs at Borland Fishery, Cumnock.
The crime of theft isn’t the only issue here. Stocking these fish outside of the Ayr catchment would itself be an offense due to new restrictions that came into force in 2009. This is a biosecurity issue that may have implications for native trout in the receiving waters.