On the way back to the office this evening, Gillian dropped me at Alistair Fleming’s Garage in Ayr to collect our new Citroen Berlingo van. After a brief run through of the controls etc and a few signatures, Richard Henderson from Fleming’s handed over the keys and sent me on my way.
ART qualified for a interest free loan over 6 years through the Energy Saving Trust that enabled us to purchase this vehicle. Staff did have to undergo fuel efficient driver training but this didn’t take long and was very helpful. Details of the scheme are available from Abbe Cusack of the Energy Agency at Auchincruive.
Alistair Fleming Ltd kindly agreed to sponsor the vehicle and provided the graphics fee of charge.
Judging by the smile on Richard’s face he has just reached his monthly sales targets and hit the high commission bracket. That didn’t stop him showing me the latest Citroen top of the range sports saloon but sadly, although it is a lovely car, I’m not in the market at the moment. Well done Richard, we are very pleased with your service and the van too.