Kilmarnock Water
Dean Ford is scheduled for replacement by a bridge but agreements have yet to be reached with householders. In the meantime, the old footbridge is in need of underpinning as the central foundation is undermined. I & H Borland are agin the contractors and they started by diverting the flow this week to allow concrete to be poured. I hope is isn’t an indication that there is a long wait ahead for the new bridge as there should soon be salmon heading up the Kilmarnock Water and the ford is the last obstacle blocking their route.

The Ford presents an almost certain barrier to further migration of salmonids; a situation that can't be allowed to prevail.
Burn Anne, Galston
The fish pass at Cemetery Road Bridge on the Burn Anne is being upgraded as part of the work to stabilise the erosion on the left bank. I & H Borland again picked this job up and have this week started breaking out the old structure. The fish pass is to be extended and constructed from precast concrete sections. A large resting pool will be provided at the base of the fish pass and the hole in the wall will be filled before it is re built. Timber salvaged from this job will be made available to Galston AC to extend the fish pass further upstream at the next road bridge which should improve it’s operation.

The tail of the resting pool will almost reach the existing deep pool at the bottom left of the photo