We headed out electrofishing this morning on the off chance that we would find a site fishable but all the rivers and burns were rising and it just wasn’t possible. We looked at a few obstacles on the way back to office before I decided to take the afternoon off to go fishing. I had planned to fish the Ayr at Mauchline, but by the time I made it to the river it was too coloured for my liking and once again rising fast. I headed to Catrine to see if there were any fish moving and sure enough there was.
I stayed for an hour or so and saw a number of trout and salmon having a go but all went quite as the river kept rising. A wet, dull afternoon isn’t ideal for taking photos but I manged to snap a few fish in mid air before I gave up due to the rain.
Here is a sequence of photos of a salmon managing to get over Anderson’s.
I saw a few trout too. This one looked like a sea trout of around 2lbs which is encouraging.