Following our blog post of the 19th May that highlighted a disease outbreak at a local fishery, I am pleased to report that the Fish Health Inspectorate has this week given them the green light to reopen and restock. This popular wee fishery has been sorely missed by its regulars and I’m sure things will get back to normal very quickly.
The FHI were unable to identify exactly what caused the problem, however two forms of bacteria were found to be present on lesions and gills. These bacterium were not thought to present a significant threat to the fishery and are opportunistic and therefore most likely present in many water bodies. The pathology failed to find anything more worrying than this so in the FHI’s opinion, whatever cause the infection on the fish is likely to have passed by now and careful stocking should re commence. The club will monitor the fish that are stocked carefully.
The suppliers were also visited and given a clean bill of health which is also very good news.
FHI made several recommendations to the club regarding their stocking and fishery management and in particular to biosecurity. This we have already discussed with the Club and they are taking steps to address the issue. Once restocked and the fish settled in without further problems, the fishery will reopen to the public after a few days. The Club were concerned that perhaps they had been over cautious but SEPA, FHI, and ourselves all supported them for the precautionary approach they took. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. I know it has been a difficult time for all concerned but the long and the short of this incident is that there shouldn’t be a fishery operating in this country that doesn’t take note and improve their bio security measures. Similarly, as a matter of course, suppliers should continually strive to improve their holding facilities and transport arrangements to ensure cross contamination between waters and fisheries is avoided. Simple preventative measures can be introduced to safeguard recreational fisheries and commercial enterprises.
Any fishery operators wishing advice, or Vircon Aquatic Disinfectant (for nets and foot dips) should give us a call. We can supply the chemical at very favourable rates compared to online suppliers and our advice often comes free, especially to members of the Trust. Anyone concerned over the health of their fish may also wish to call us, as again we may be able to help or point you in the right direction.