Please, please, please, take time to respond to the Scottish Governments consultation on proposed measures to introduce a licensing system for killing wild salmon in Scotland. This is your opportunity to have your say, make comments or suggestions that could change the way that fishing in Scotland develops. Individual anglers should respond as should clubs, owners, syndicates, hoteliers etc. With changes looking in the very near future, it is important that the Government receives as many opinions and suggestions as possible. If you support the proposal, tell them. If you disapprove, let them know and why. If you have better ideas, then it’s not too late to make the Government sit up and listen and perhaps change their ideas.
Here is the link to the document. Please read and follow the instructions before you respond.
I disagree about paying to kill wild salmon we pay over the odds for the privilege as it is including fuel your average days fishing cost £100
While I sympathise over the costs, the point of the consultation is for you to let the Government know your thoughts on their proposal. The driver for this is to conserve stocks, not to keep costs down (nor force them up).
You should respond to the questions asked at the end of the consultation document. I don’t mind people posting comments on here but make no mistake, that won’t achieve anything. You must respond to the Government’s questions.
I’ve been doing a spot of reading on the popular fishing forums. It’s depressing stuff. I think people need to realise we might not need to worry about the cost of fishing in the future. There will be nothing to fish for if we don’t act to protect stocks now.
Graham, I think it’s important that anglers have their say in the consultation and should remember the current proposals aims to conserve stocks (which is needed across most of Scotland). They should raise concerns over the cost to anglers and implications of this on Clubs should they see fit but not withstanding the need for conservation. Appropriate Conservation measures are what’s being considered. A rant on a forum is all well and good but for the Government to consider alternatives, (suggestions are sought within the consultation), these should be coherent, well thought out and justifiable. Every angler has a right to contribute and should. If they don’t make representation now, then there is little room for them to complain later. We are encouraging everyone to respond by the deadline with comments and suggestions in the hope an acceptable solution can be found.
If we go down the route of total catch and release we fall into the “Playing with the fish” trap. Having a catch limit on a sustainable water is a reasonable way but why does the Government have to get involved. We should be policing ourselves with the support of the Law behind us for those that choose to ignore OUR rules. We should be making our own rules that show we are doing something to help our sport instead of having rules imposed on us. Total C&R doesn’t appear to be the answer as the Dee is painfully proving… If Fishermen and women are subjected to a limit or C&R shouldn’t the netsmen have stricter limits imposed or even be closed down with no buy outs? They actually appear to be a bigger problem than the Dolphins and Seals at the moment.
David thanks for taking the time to comment and I agree with much of what you say. Of course it is the Scottish Government who are proposing change not the Trust or our partners and consequently, I hope you take the time to respond to the Government’s consultation. I hope anglers respond and not only agree or disagree but make justifiable alternative suggestions. Without a good alternative, the future looks bleak. ART will of course be lodging a response.
i dont think that the tagging of salmon would make that much of a differance to the fish population as it is not the general fishermen but the poachers that take fish illegally that cause the problem and the tagging of these fish would only hurt the general law abiding sportsman and as normal here we go again lets put yet another tax on the comman man who saves all year to get his permit .And this is getting worse as we are now talking about a rod licence as well
so now its going to be a rod licence,permit and tags wont be long till we go back to the dark ages and only the laird and high and mighty are able to fish so to put it in plain english i dont agree with either of the two ideas
You’ve made your point and made it well. Unfortunately it is not here that the comments carry any weight but in a response to the Scottish Government’s consultation and I’d urge you to take the time to fill in the questionnaire and return it to the Government before the deadline of the 30th April.
I would add that there are no plans for a rod licence at the moment but of course that may come further down the line.
why is there no reports on the fishing boats with there huge nets taking vast amounts of salmon in there feeding grounds
I think the point you are making is that there appears to be greater issues facing wild salmon than rod catches. I do agree this should be investigated at regulated effectively however it is the Scottish Government that needs to hear your response not the Trust. Take the time to respond with your comments to the consultation and hopefully these issues will be raised frequently enough to make them take notice.