We have now secured the necessary funding to continue with Giant Hogweed control across Ayrshire. We are just waiting on the required licences from SEPA but hope to start control within the next couple of weeks. We have been controlling this invasive non native plant species for a number of years and there has been a great reduction which has allowed for easier and safer access to riparian areas previously infested by this plant. We will strive to continue this work in the coming years however funding for such work can be difficult to secure.
We have managed to secure funding from a number of sources and will continue this work across the following catchments:
Doon (low level population)
Coastal Burns
We will again employ contractors to carry out the bulk of the work but staff and trained volunteers will also help with the control strategy. Any of our trained volunteers should willing to assist should contact Gordon on 01292 737300

Giant Hogweed Control