Ayrshire Rivers Trust in partnership with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency are commissioning a project to help deliver a solution to fish passage problems at in-river barriers in Ayrshire. This invitation to tender is for the construction phase to be undertaken summer/autumn 2018 at Sevenacres weir, Lugton Water, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, KA13 7RG.
Prospective tenderers can attend a tender workshop onsite on 24th July 2018 at 1100. Representatives from ART, SEPA and the project design team will be present to discuss the project and address queries prior to submission. Attendance should be confirmed by contacting info@ayrshireriverstrust.org
Tenders should be submitted by email to info@ayrshireriverstrust.org Closing date for tenders is 12 noon on the 6th August 2018.
Tender documents can be found on Public Contract Scotland by following the links below.
Sevenacres Weir Works Phase Tender Invitation letter
Sevenacres Weir Works Information and Site Information
Sevenacres Weir WI & SI -APPENDICES