Yesterday we were on the Duisk (Stinchar catchment) continuing with the Government surveys. Despite the rain we got another couple completed with reasonable numbers of juvenile salmonids recorded at both sites. The heavy afternoon and overnight rain has swept away (pun intended) any chance of getting out and about today but with any luck we will complete these surveys by the end of the week.

Helen and Stuart measure and ID the catch from the upper Duisk site. Taking scales, lengths and genetic samples from salmon parr is time consuming and recording in the rain is a pain as the sheets get soggy.

A bright brown trout from the upper Duisk. A little lean but a quite healthy fish.
The Duisk is a charming little river and productive too. We don’t get the opportunity to survey this part of the catchment very often as the DSFB don’t have any jurisdiction over this watercourse. However we do know the watercourse and it always produces good juvenile salmon numbers. Another good day out surveying inspire of the rain.

Our second site on the Duisk downstream of Barrhill. It rained constantly throughout the survey but with a limited window to complete all our survey work we’re out whenever we can be right now.

Fungi on the mossy limb of a tree. Autumn is relinquishing summer of her responsibilities. Autumn is a great time of year to be out and despite the heavy workload everyone enjoys the work immensely.
Hi Stuart and the team,i have a particular interest in the Duisk as i walk the dog on Kildonan estate
whilst at the caravan.Please tell me why the DSFB don’t have jurisdiction on this watercourse as it is a major feeder for the Stinchar. I have often seen fish rising and thought if they were Salmon parr or maybe sea trout as i have been told it was historically a thriving sea trout water. I would be interested in your survey results. Regards Ian
Ian, it is a strange situation that the Stinchar DSFB has no remit on the Duisk and one that leaves it rather isolated and potentially neglected although ART do spend as much time as possible assessing juvenile stocks throughout the Duisk and its tributaries.
It is a healthy wee river with good numbers of salmon and trout so I’m not in the least surprised to hear that your see them near Kildonnan.