Ayrshire Grown

We are pleased to announce that in early October we received news that our latest Ayrshire Rural and Island Ambition Fund (ARIA) project application had been successful. The Ayrshire Grown Project was developed with the aim of establishing a native tree nursery to...

Wild Fisheries Reform

Description Atlantic Salmon face a number of pressures during their life cycle. These include but are not limited to: predation poor water quality disease and parasites barriers to migration poor physical habitat quality food availability factors affecting survival...

Invasive Weeds Project

[pl_button type=”success” link=”https://www.ayrshireriverstrust.org/cisp/” size=”large”] Click here for Carrick Invasive Species Project (CISP) [/pl_button] Invasive Weeds are increasingly becoming recognised as an environmental and...

Girvan Habitat Restoration

The Trust in partnership with the River Girvan District Salmon Fishery Board embarked on a project to address river bank problems at Kilkerran Estate on the River Girvan due to historic straightening and the building of levies on the river banks by landowners, most of...


Introduction The CIRB project (Controlling invasive priority non-native species and restoring native biodiversity) is funded by INTERREG IVA and is being undertaken by a partnership of Queens University Belfast, the Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland, University...