Very generously, the internationally renown artist Donovan has offered to help ART by donating some of the proceeds of his new single towards improvement works on the River Doon.
Donovan has just released his latest single ahead of Burn’s night entitled ‘The Banks O’ Doon’.
He heard about the Doons plight back in 2011 when the ‘Save the Doon Campaign’ was active and fighting to prevent more water being diverted to the River Ken system. That battle was won and is over but he‘s long been keen to help and he contacted us offering his support recently.







If you’d like to help, Donovan’s new single, ‘The Banks O’ Doon’ can be purchased for €1 from his web page at

Please share this post widely as the more Burn’s and Donovan fans that see this, the more he will be able to help this river.