The Trust operates and runs the Fish Pal Ayrshire booking system for day ticket angling on local rivers. This is an online booking system that allows local and visiting anglers to book and pay for fishing online and opens up some otherwise difficult to access stretched of water to wider participation. It allows clubs and beats to increase their revenues and reduce the number of untaken days in the season. Individual beats have their own rules on methods and the maximum numbers of fish to be taken but as always we advocate catch and release as much as possible and always within the guidelines set by the relevant DSFB.
Fish Ayrshire can also include stillwater angling venues and we are keen to increase the number of venues available locally.
Owners and Clubs wishing more information on Fish Ayrshire, should contact Gordon or myself at the Trust and we will be happy to explain the small costs involved and simple procedure required to sign up. Have a look at the Fish Ayrshire page to see what’s available over the next few months.
There have been good numbers of salmon reported recently following last weeks spates. We expect catches to increase on all beats as the season progresses so book your days early!
Check out the FishAyrshire Facebook page for news on catches and availability.