SEPA called me today to let me know that their ecologists had taken samples from both the Girvan and Stinchar following the mortalities that we have reported this week. Water samples were taken and results are yet to be available from them however invertebrate samples have been analysed and found to be no different than would be expected with all taxon represented and in reasonably good numbers. This seems to rule out an pollution as the cause of the incidents. We still await results from the FHI but these may take some time. I’ll post an update as soon as I hear anything.
Regarding the farm pollution we reported on the Girvan tributary, SEPA attended and found that the landowner had taken steps to improve the situation following my visit. They were reasonably sure that the burn was unaffected but I’ll reserve judgement on this until after we conduct our own surveys fof the fish and invertebrate population. We are agreed that things must improve at the farm and indeed the landowner has admitted this himself and is awaiting planning permission for a new shed that should bring the steading unto 21st Century standards. SEPA offered other practical advice as did I and hopefully things will continue to improve. SEPA will keep an eye on the situation.
On the Hagg Burn where last month we reported pollution resulting in a severe development of sewage fungus, SEPA now inform me that the burn is clear of this. We will be electrofishing this Burn shortly to assess the impact on the fish population.
Hello Stuart
Is the suspected pollution you are referring to on the Girvan The Penwhapple Burn incident where fish of various sizes died.
The burn runs into my water on the Robstone Fishings
Have a photo of some of the dead fish if required
We attended the fish kill on the lower Girvan and assist the fish Health Inspectorate to gather samples for lab analysis. Results will take up to 10 days to return. There were considerable numbers of fish of all sizes and both salmon and trout were affected. The source was not Penwhapple Burn but there was a large accumulation of affected fish in the burn mouth and lower pools. Further upstream the burn was clear of any dead or dying fish. I suspect the fish found at the lower end of this burn had moved in there to try and find refuge from whatever was affecting the main river. Affected fish were recorded as far upstream as Dailly. Once I know the results from the Insectorate, I will post an update.