Today Muir and I carried out a fish rescue on behalf of Scottish Water/Caledonia Water. A new pipeline will cross the Draught Burn (tributary of the Lugton Water) at Eglinton Country Park which required an area of approx. 70m to be over pumped for a period of 24 hours while the section of pipeline is laid in place. Once the pipe is in place the burn will be reconnected.
The burn in this area is heavily silted with very little cover for fish apart from a few boulders, some woody debris and tree roots. To be honest we were not expecting all that many fish but as usual we were very pleasantly surprised. We removed over 150 fish which were relocated to the Lugton Water next to the site. This included 144 Trout, 2 Salmon (1 fry and 1 parr) and some eels.

Draught Burn which is heavily silted

A nice little Salmon Parr from the Draught Burn

A bucket of fish from the Draught Burn

A couple of Trout from the Draught Burn